Gerakas Beach is a bay with endless sand, quite possibly one of the most beautiful beaches, not only of Vassilikos, but of the island. This is where the Caretta – caretta turtles lay their eggs. Gerakas is protected by the National Marine Park of Zakynthos. There are no watersports or bars on the beach, and it is prohibited to be on the beach at night.

Daphne Beach is a true paradise in the Bay of Lagana, with vast stretches of sand and amazing views. Opposite the beach is the small islet of Pelouzzo. The Caretta – caretta turtles lay their eggs here. Daphne Beach is protected by the National Marine Park of Zakynthos. There are no watersports. The little taverns that operate here are only open during the day so that they don’t disturb the turtles.

Porto Zorro is a small beach with clear blue water and lush vegetation that almost touches the water. The two rocks situated at the edge of the beach make an impressive scene. There are numerous sunbeds and parasols.